Billing Policies
What You Need to Know
Payment Schedule
Payments are due before each session begins. You can sign up and make your payment at the front desk at the P-REC center. If your child needs to miss a class, please let us know and we will schedule a make up class. We offer a discount if you enroll in multiple classes. We also offer a discount for siblings.
How do I cancel enrollment?
Once you enroll, your card will be charged for all sessions unless you send us an email requesting to be removed from the program. Cancellation emails must be sent prior to the start of the next session to prevent your credit card from being charged.  If your child continues to attend classes your card will be charged.
Monthly Fees – generally for pre-schools
Dance is a monthly fee that will fluctuate each month based on the number of classes that month. There are usually between 3-5 classes each month and the fee reflects that. We do not offer or charge for classes when the school is closed. We follow the Broward County Public School schedule. If the school is closed, we don't run classes.
The monthly fee can be paid by logging into your account at
If the fee is not paid online by the 1st of the month, the card on file will be charged for the monthly fee.
Session Fees- generally for elementary schools
There are typically 4 sessions throughout the school year. Each session is usually between 7-10 weeks. Each session fee will vary based on the number of classes in each session. For example - a 10 week session may only have 8 classes on Mondays, but 10 classes on Tuesdays – so the fee may vary based on the day of the week you are scheduled.
We do not offer or charge for classes when the school is closed. We follow the Broward County Public School schedule. If the school is closed, we don't run classes. The session fee can be paid by logging into your account at If the fee is not paid online by the 1st week of the new session, the card on file will be charged for the session.